Integrative Human Design

Integrative Human Design

Human Design provides us with a unique strategy for moving through life, where we work, move, and play in harmony with the natural flow and rhythm of what is arising from within us.The Human Design system unifies the relative understandings obtained from fields including astrology, the I-Ching, the chakra system, and quantum physics, and amalgamates them into a higher-level understanding that combines the perspective of each into one overarching framework.Integrative Human Design is designed to help individuals come into a more integrated sense of who they are. It works primarily with the Human Design System but combines it with Gene Keys, Integral Theory, and Jungian principles to provide people with a framework to apply in their lives.Integrative Human Design focuses strongly on helping integrate the body consciousness (strategy and authority) and establishing a core stability within the mind around our deeper purpose. From there it moves into intuitively stitching together aspects of one's design and working through wounding patterns with the aim of illuminating a path towards sharing our gifts with the world just as the universe intended.

My Readings - Pricing and How I Work

Whether you're a complete beginner or are already familiar with the Human Design system, I'm here to support you at your current level of understanding.My readings are deeply personalised and aligned to your current needs. I find that the actual readings work best through the flow of conversation. It's what you share about your unique experience of being you that ultimately helps me connect the dots.From there I can intuitively piece together the levels and layers of your design and tailor the reading to explain how different qualities play out through the geometry expressed by your design.The price for a reading is €75. I like to connect with you beforehand to understand your needs so as I can tailor the reading to best serve you.You can book a reading here directly. You're also very welcome to contact me if you have any questions before booking.

Using Human Design to Awaken To Your True Nature

Awakening means many things to many different people. But essentially, awakening is all about perspective. When we learn to see something from a new angle, we can never "unsee" the deeper truer nature of what we're now seeing. In a sense we become aware of a once limited perspective from a more broadened perspective.In its essence, Human Design facilitates this. What it's doing is unifying different perspectives and understandings that arose out of ancient cultures and modern science. It integrates the relative and partial truth of each of these perspectives and combines them into one overarching system that speaks to the nature of reality on different levels.It's crucial not to see Human Design as the actual truth, but as a map. Like any map, it can guide towards awakening, but it's not the actual territory itself. The actual territory is a state of being that Human Design can help awaken in us.Human Design provides us with a mechanical strategy that we can use to operate effectively. What this essentially represents is a process of integrating the body consciousness and relieving the mind of its assumed role of controlling our lives. From this more stable standpoint, we begin to see more clearly as we sink into a more harmonious state of being that's aligned with our truer unconditioned nature.

About me

I'm Francis, a 3/6 Manifesting Generator with sacral authority. I come in on the RAX of Explanation (4/49 | 23/43).My own journey with Human Design has been transformative. The depth to which this system describes and the way it presents it resonated deeply with me from the beginning. After years of living my design and doing countless experiements I came to see first hand the utility of the system and the deeper truths it exposes.I later deepened and expanded my understanding of the system by delving into the related Gene Keys system and then combining it with an existing interest in Integral Theory and psychology. This diverse knowledge base adds a depth and a richness to the readings that I hope can help serve those I read for by providing them with a deeper glimpse into who they truly are.


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